
Here is artwork, obviously based upon the modern interpretation of the 5 of coins. This artwork retains the shadow and specter figures often associated with the '5' aspect of 'Pachad' (fear). In this piece, the message is rather obvious. The soul (represented by the innocent little boy), senses something bad coming from the concerned adult figure. Why is the Adult worried so about Compassion ....better get out of here. If you look closely, you will see a tiny secondary figure running towards the Christ figure with an open hand. This apparition is the tiny spirit of spiritually impoverished people, who are generally confused and frightened by the modern world with its materialistic efficiencies.


Charitable operations of the Church. In this case, the needy are outside the church; wouldn't it be warmer inside? They are free to come into the fold. Perhaps stubborn materialism is reducing them to poverty. A steady but tolerable accumulation of conditions patiently piles up over their heads; but the time of surrender is not yet. She is too proud and turns her back against the church; inside it is so warm and inviting. See how it lights the night like a beacon of comfort and salvation. "Oh trust and rely on me" she says, moving between him and the beacon of Hope. She controls him with her mouth and her fingers; she wants him to herself and will not share him, even with God. [cf. 'Aphrodite and Eros'] Soon his ears will be cold (to her words) and her frozen fingers like little icicles.


As you can easily see, the original 5 of coins did not portray the ghastly images adopted by the modern consensii; in fact there is no way to rule an 'inverted' draw from a 'rectified' draw either, leading one to wonder if crowd sourcing your Spirituality is the best approach.


Here the fat-cat knows where his bread is buttered; or is that a pitcher of milk in the window?


Specter images, again; this time herding the impoverished into institutional dependency; obviously a type of slavery. The barefoot wino lives in the alley (itself afforded by the exterior of the edifice). He is an intellectual and perceives himself aloof from dependency and better off than the plebes. He walls himself off from involvement with the greater world, but also walls himself in by his perceived aloofness; except for his vigilant preoccupation with his perceptions. The effluvium is draining off them toward him; his is draining away from him. His bottle is also empty and he will start to sober up. "I wonder if now might be a good time to inquire about that part-time position…"