Class Resources

With commentary by John

Etheric Notes

Our Etheric Body

by Judi Lynch

When we nurture our etheric body with light and positive energy, we heal. When we hold negative thoughts and emotions around us, it weakens this energy and blocks our channels. Forgiveness, non-judgmental tolerance and the balance of the ego are all important factors. The subconscious mind expresses through etheric energy, therefore, it is controlled by your thoughts. When you learn to control your etheric body through soul mastery, you can influence your body to heal, age much slower, and to exist on and to visit higher planes while still alive on Earth. It is the key to our eventual collective ascension.

3. Healing the Etheric Body...


Healing the Etheric Body

(miasms, present and past life wounds)

Once the emotional and mental bodies are cleared of all traumas and imprints, it is time to now focus on the etheric body which interfaces the emotional body-mental/astral bodies.

The etheric body also called our etheric double, holds the program for our physical body. So whatever is effecting our etheric body's ability to hold our Divine Blueprint would need to be addressed. And one of the most critical blocks in healing is to remove miasmic imprints to allow for a permanent healing to take place in the physical body as well.

The etheric body is made up of chi and forms a structure of meridians throughout the body. These meridians run through all the major organs, glands, nerves and energy centers. This system of etheric energy permeates the physical body, supporting and sustaining it. (More accurately, the Etheric Template forms a wireframe grid upon which the plaster of substance is cast. It is more accurately a conductor of Prana, which nourishes the Living Substance. But it is made of Ether).


All life forms including plants and animals have an etheric body. Nothing physical can be alive without the etheric body as it feeds the physical with energy which is vital for its health and survival. Astral forces (via the Elements) interact with the etheric layer and thereby transform basic life-force chi into many other types. The astral actually grasps the etheric and this is how it incarnates and creates with the physical substances. (The Ether and the Element together collect the Matter, which adheres to the Emotion, or Love Substance).


This interaction between the astral and etheric is the same in humans and animals. The main difference is that humans and animals have their own astral body whereas plants receive astral forces from fairies and other beings as well as the astral fields surrounding the planet. (The Elemental Beings and Kingdoms).


A human’s astral body concentrates certain astral forces in various places throughout the body with the organs and glands being the main locations. By the interaction in these areas the chi (more accurately: Prana) is transformed into the organs and glands and chi is also circulated throughout the meridian system (the Etheric Template, or Grid). The health of the astral body directly relates to the health of the etheric body which in turn affects the physical body. (not exactly but somewhat right) If any channels are blocked or there is poor circulation of chi the physical will suffer as well as the astral/mental and emotional state of the person. All disease and weakness of immunity comes down to the health and strength of the etheric body (not exactly right either).

Here is the real skinny: first, there is never any blockage of chi. Chi is present everywhere. Blockage of Chi is part of that old worn-out scarcity consciousness. What is more important (and missing about the above) is that because Vital Force is everywhere, the colors, tints, vibrations, sounds, and patterns that you influence it with are what the Matter adheres to and what the System Generates for you. The Etheric flows easily and can change and transform with ease because nothing ever blocks it (it's an Akasha, it can't be 'blocked'). What we need to recognize is that we are keeping it patterned via of one or another Thought, Belief, or Emotion and it is doing exactly as instructed.