Water is a classical element that represents Magnetic Attraction. It is a symbol of emotions, intuition, sensitivity and love. Water signs are often seen as being emotional and intuitive. They are also very creative people who can be easily distracted by their imagination. This makes them great artists or writers but less suited to jobs that require a lot of focus on detail or accuracy. The water element is associated with the astral plane and psychic abilities.

The water signs in the Zodiac are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

Apas is the third Tattva in the hierarchy of Tattvas, following Vayu and Tejas. In western magic, it is equivalent to Elemental Water. Its symbol is a white crescent bowl with horns looking upward, implying receptivity. Apas is depicted in violet in several Asian writings (cf. [Ch] ) yet it is most often and perhaps more appropriately portrayed in the color silver…

The Water Element is a symbol of purity, and it represents the emotions, intuition, and imagination. The water element belongs to the astral plane and can be seen as a spiritual force that connects all living things to each other via feeling and empathy. The Apas Tattva is also known as Pure Astral Water or Magnetic Attraction. The magnetic attraction is responsible for surface cohesion. This feature manifests in cyclic periodicities, returning, reconciliation and forgiveness, devotion, as well as tidal forces. Water forms a Complex Connectome of Relationships. Many of Water’s features are symbolized by the Moon.

The Siddhis associated with Apas include linguistcs, including melisma, prosody and patois alongside fluid speech and comprehension: Clairsentience; rhythm and flexibility, caring, nurture, and a generous giving spirit, singing and dancing (merrymaking in general) and a broad knowledge of one’s personal history (though the Water Spirits are very discrete and keep this information quite confidential). The Water Beings are sometimes referred to as Undines and Sprites (and Mer-folk). There are Powerful Monarchs of the Kingdom of Water. The Water Spirits are quite beautiful and fascinating, have their own way about them, and are not at all pleased to be upset by inconsiderate mortals.

Water has been called “the elixir of life”, “the universal solvent”. It seeks to Unify and to Heal. Water plays a vital role in Magic and Spirituality, regarded with great spiritual significance. It has many uses in rituals such as ritual cleansing and baptisms, which wash away one's sins and prepare the devotee for moksha or Nirvana. Water is essential as the medium of eucharistic induction, healthful nurture: beauty and rejuvenation, and structured hydration for cellular health

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