The Earth element is the most grounded and solid of all the elements. It is the element of stability and security, and it is also associated with practicality, hard work reliability, and common sense and also anchored to reality.

The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. They are practical people who are very grounded in their ways. They can be stubborn at times but they have a lot of patience and endurance to get through difficult situations and are persistent in their pursuits. They are also very dependable people who can be counted on in a crisis or when help is needed because they exercise good judgement and sound reasoning. They are good at taking care of themselves and others because they have a strong sense of duty and responsibility.

The Earth element is also known as Prithivi Tattva. It is also called Earth, because it is the element that sustains life on earth and represents the Earth and all of its qualities.

It represents stability, solidity, fertility, humility and groundedness. It also represents fertility and growth. It is the most tangible of all the elements and it can be seen in the form of rocks, soil, mountains, trees, etc. The Earth element is represented by a yellow square with a green triangle in it.

As long time practitioners of earth dynamics will know from lived experience, earth is in many ways the most practical and instructional of all the elements. Earth constantly reminds us that hard work and persistence will pay off, bringing us sustenance and success.

Throughout human history, human civilizations have always been intimately tied to earth. This makes the role of this element very important and proper respect for it is largely misunderstood on a global scale.

Earth nourishes us, raises our crops for food and provides a solid foundation for buildings; it regulates our weather patterns, maintains atmospheric variety for ample sunlight and irrigation; nourishing pastureland that grows grass in abundance; it ensures fruitful harvest, and deep within its churning magma, forms the raw material upon which much of industrial life depends.

The Earth is solid. It is not like water, air or fire which can be easily redirected. Changing the Earth takes time and effort. Only when we work with it does it become nurturing, able to foster life and make space for growth.

Earth forces energize and build the whole physical body, its sensations and reactions, and external environment. Earth energy brings a certain quality that is reliable, realistic and practical. We always need to work with the Earth's energies to manifest what we want out of life, with grace and masterful facility, instead of reactively jumping from impulse to impulse or angrily trying to bulldoze through everything with our will power alone.

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